HTTP Server Hook
GenGame can be extended with any programming language as long as they have network. Every messages will be passed to your server via HTTP protocol.
Environment Variables
Your HTTP web server host, default to localhost
Your HTTP web server port, default to 9500
Your HTTP web server port, default to http
GenGame will make a request to your web server with both event name and its payload. Eevery request request will be made at "POST / HTTP/1.1". Before you send any response, you can do any action like logging the user, adding some data, etc. And then you respond the request with proper structure, which we'll explain soon.
You can read every available hooks here, with the detail, payload and what you should response.
Here is example of request, when there is before_create_match
POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:9500 Content-Type: application/application/json
"username": "john",
"match_id": "123"
You should respond the request with something like this:
"username": "john",
"match_id": "123"
We put simple project to demonstrate HTTP hooks. It is NodeJS app that expose HTTP server. You can see the project here.